Sunday, December 20, 2009

Out of Flames Brings a Forgiving Heart

When a person lives in the shadow of their tragic past, they may lose the ability to forgive. The dark cloud that hovers over their lives makes it impossible for them to continue moving on; it is as if they are trapped in their own burdens. In the novel, Great Expectations, Charles Dickens presents us with a character that lives in regret, revenge, and remorse but after burning up in the flames of a massive fire, experiences the purifying affects of forgiveness.

After Miss Havisham is generously forgiven by Pip, she feels awkward and unworthy of his kindness; this feeling of forgiveness makes her realize she has been living a desolate life. Fire, a symbol of cleanliness, is used to represent Miss Havisham stripping away the layers of the cocoon that she has woven around herself over the years. "I still held her forcibly a prisoner who might escape, and I doubt if I even knew who she was...or that she had been in flames, or that the flames were out, until I saw the patches of tinder that had been her garments, no longer alight, but falling in a black shower around us.” (p. 404) In this quote, Dickens uses the fire to burn away the darkness of Miss Havisham's past. Once Pip had told her he would forgive her, it opened Miss Havisham's eyes to a whole new world -- a world with light and a future -- and she realizes that all along she could have easily forgiven those who hurt her. When we, as sinful people, are forgiven it provides us with a new beginning – a new chapter in our lives. When we forgive others, we further educate them on the idea of forgiveness and allow them to turn to the next page in their lives.

As Havisham’s body burns up in flames, all of the spiders and other insects that lurked in the corners of her old darkened house quickly flee as if they no longer belong there. “Then I looked round and saw the disturbed beetles and spiders running away over the floor, and the servants coming in with breathless cries at the door.” (p. 404) During this scene, Dickens illustrates – through the tragic symbolism of these insects – that as they are escaping her home, tragedy is escaping her body, her life, her mind and opening a door to a more merciful and forbearing life. In the second part of this quote, Dickens states that many servants begin to cry; they believe the fire has taken her life. Throughout this scene, symbolism shows that she has not died but simply been born again; the fire is giving her an opportunity to start fresh. Throughout this chapter, and many other chapters, the idea of change comes into play. In Miss Havisham’s situation, she believed that change and having a forgiving heart was impossible but when given an ounce of mercy, she knew her only escape route was to burn all her resentment away.

In life, there are people who live in complete anger; many times the anger relates back to a tragic event that happened in their past. When the emotion is held long enough, it grows stronger and ends up trapping them in a cloud of their own burdens. In the novel, Great Expectations, Charles Dickens provides us with an accurate example of what happens to someone when they hold on to their past and spend their entire life living in it. Using fire to symbolize a healthy escapism, he illustrates that people who hold on, never forgive and those who forgive, always move on.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

When is the right time to honor our Veteran's?

A military hero is any man or woman who is brave enough to defend and serve for the freedom of our country. Because they risk their lives, there is never a wrong time to honor their heroic actions they have put forth for the sake of our country, the United States of America. Elmer Davis quotes “This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is home of the brave” and by this he is stating that without people who are willing to fight, there is no freedom and so it is to them we owe our freedom. Freedom is not free and comes with a high price, which is that of blood and innocent lives. We, as free people of the U.S.A ought not to take our freedom for granted but continuously be grateful for those who make everyday life less worrisome.

Once, every year, on November 11th, we remember the men and women who have served over a long period of time. Not only do we mourn those we have lost, but we honor and show our gratitude for those who are still with us today. Throughout history, veterans have showed their bravery, whether it was fighting in the Revolutionary War, American Revolution, or even those who have served in Iraq. Although we must pay respect for those men and women who have served, we also need to pray for those who are serving this country right now.

Veteran’s Day should not be the only day set aside to remember those who have fought and there should to be an annual holiday to reflect on those soldiers who are currently on the battlefield. Because many people in this world have been born into freedom, it is easy for them to take their liberty for granted, given they have never been without it, but people of all ages should constantly be giving thanks to their veterans and soldiers. Just like Jesus sacrificed his own life so that we may live in peace, soldiers and veterans fight in order for us to have the privilege of living a life of safety and most importantly freedom. Since no one is forcing them to serve our country and they are voluntarily risking their lives, they deserve more than one day of honor and should be remembered for their heroic acts throughout the entire year.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Essay on the Good Earth

In the early 20th century, China was a very different world; the women had no rights and poverty was destroying many people and families. Throughout the novel, The Good Earth, Pearl S. Buck displays her strong emotion over how poorly men treated women and illustrates that in a marriage women were objectified instead of adored. The main character, Wang Lung, clearly demonstrates the way men may act if they lose sense of their moral compass.

As a young man, Wang Lung is beginning to realize that he may not be able to tend the land and keep him and his father well fed and healthy. To ease his mind, he decides to go to the House of Hwang and buy a wife; this concept of “buying” a wife already proves that women were thought of as purchasable items. “Her eyes were small and of dull black in color and were filled with sadness that was not clearly expressed. It was a face that seemed habitually silent and unspeaking as though it would not speak if it could.” (p.19) Wang and his father spent much time talking to each other about how it was not beauty in a woman that mattered but how hard she worked. In this quote the way Wang Lung describes the woman, O-lan, confirms that he truly believe that she is dull, yet not ugly, and knows that even though she is quiet she will be hardworking and faithful.

During the course of the first week, O-lan immediately settles in and acts as though she has been working for Wang Lung her whole life; she is not one of many words, yet what does come out of her mouth is always wise and knowledgeable. “He felt as though the night must have changed him; yet here was this woman rising from his bed as though she had risen every day of her life.” (p.25) O-lan works hard on the land and takes good care of the old man. This quote tells the story of a woman who came from a troubled background yet puts all her cares behind her and works hard for Wang Lung. The concept of men treating women unfairly is shady in this part of the novel, seeing as though O-lan is just doing her duty as a slave, but the fact that woman were slaves and were eligible to be bought and sold, proves that it was not only men who were cruel to women but the entire empire of China.

Although Wang Lung has not yet shown the evil man money, and selfish ambition has turned him into, his decision to take away O-lan’s pearls in order to go the tea house a buy himself a concubine, reveals the true man Wang has become. Because he knows he will soon be bringing another woman into the house, he strips O-lan of her only wealth, lessening the chances of her leaving him and starting a new life somewhere else; she will have to continue to live and work under the control of Wang. This idea of controlling people by money is very similar to the ways of a communist country. Not only did Wang Lung take away O-lan’s pearls, but she will now have to suffer a life of watching her husband be filled with the satisfaction that she could never provide for him. "But O-lan returned to the beating of her clothes and when tears dropped slowly and heavily from her eyes she did not put her hand up to wipe them away." (p.188) This quote illustrates how strong of a women O-lan is and how evil of a man Wang has become. By taking away her pearls, he has taken away the thing that made her beautiful and turned her into an animal that can no longer be filled with love. Wang has lost the ability to morally decide for himself and because of this he strips O-lan of her identity as a wife and as an individual woman.

In addition to taking away O-lan’s pearls, Wang goes to town and buys himself a concubine named Lotus. As Wang Lung becomes wealthier and wealthier he believes he deserves a more beautiful woman to keep him company – leaving the loyal and faithful one behind. As money begins to seduce his mind he no longer wants a hardworking woman by his side but one whose outward appearance is more pleasing to him than O-lan’s. "And it seemed to Wang Lung that he looked at O-lan for the first time in his life and he saw for the first time that she was a woman who no man could call other than she was, a dull and common creature, who plodded in silence without a thought of how she appeared to others." (p. 169) The point that Buck is trying to get across, is when someone gets too caught up in worldly pleasures they can lose their ability to love. Through Wang Lung, Buck demonstrates the way men thought women were tradable objects; they cared more about their personal desires and less about the trouble they are causing others.

Buck describes the life of Wang Lung, a man who grew up in poverty and changed into a monster who had no respect for women, or anyone else besides himself. Because Buck spent most of her life in China, she was exposed to many instances where woman were being treated like objects and because of this, she felt compelled to address her emotions toward the issue. People in that past have taken advantage of women; they treat them as though they are creatures of nature who have no feelings. Even in today’s world these types of acts continue to be seen and not only are they from men to women. In the novel, The Good Earth, Pearl S. Buck provides many examples of how women were treated unfairly by men and how in a relationship women were thought of as objects and not real human beings who need love and nourishment to live a normal healthy life.