Wednesday, October 21, 2009

When is the right time to honor our Veteran's?

A military hero is any man or woman who is brave enough to defend and serve for the freedom of our country. Because they risk their lives, there is never a wrong time to honor their heroic actions they have put forth for the sake of our country, the United States of America. Elmer Davis quotes “This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is home of the brave” and by this he is stating that without people who are willing to fight, there is no freedom and so it is to them we owe our freedom. Freedom is not free and comes with a high price, which is that of blood and innocent lives. We, as free people of the U.S.A ought not to take our freedom for granted but continuously be grateful for those who make everyday life less worrisome.

Once, every year, on November 11th, we remember the men and women who have served over a long period of time. Not only do we mourn those we have lost, but we honor and show our gratitude for those who are still with us today. Throughout history, veterans have showed their bravery, whether it was fighting in the Revolutionary War, American Revolution, or even those who have served in Iraq. Although we must pay respect for those men and women who have served, we also need to pray for those who are serving this country right now.

Veteran’s Day should not be the only day set aside to remember those who have fought and there should to be an annual holiday to reflect on those soldiers who are currently on the battlefield. Because many people in this world have been born into freedom, it is easy for them to take their liberty for granted, given they have never been without it, but people of all ages should constantly be giving thanks to their veterans and soldiers. Just like Jesus sacrificed his own life so that we may live in peace, soldiers and veterans fight in order for us to have the privilege of living a life of safety and most importantly freedom. Since no one is forcing them to serve our country and they are voluntarily risking their lives, they deserve more than one day of honor and should be remembered for their heroic acts throughout the entire year.

1 comment:

  1. Great job Taylor, as usual:) I love the quote you chose, it relates perfectly to what you are saying. Also, I like how you related veterans to Jesus. That is a very good relation. Obviously I agree with you all the way when it comes to honoring veterans everyday. They most definitely deserve it, and to be honest I didn't really think about it until we wrote this paper, and I read some of the responses. :D
